Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 5

Skeletal System Bones, Cartilage & its Articulations -- Provides shape support protection, provides a system of levers -- Red bone marrow produces red blood cells -- Acts as a resivior for calcium and Potassium -- Constantly changing and remodeling
Osteology Scientific study of bones
Arthrology Scientific study of articulations
Endoskeleton Skeleton is held entirely within soft tissues -- Living -- grows self -repairing and regenerates
Exoskeleton Skeleton this is most external -- an outside covering
Compact Bone central canal for blood capillaries and the concentric osseous lamellae in compact bone -- osteons lacunae osteocytes
Spongy Bone Delicate lattice work of trabeculae that contains marrow
Long Bone longer than they are wide, and grow primarily by elongation of the diaphysis, with an epiphysis at the ends of the growing bone. The ends of epiphyses are covered with a hyaline cartilage ("articular cartilage")
Epiphysis mostly spongy bone with a compact bone covering -- at the ends of long bones
Diaphysis Shaft of long bone -- contains medullary cavity which contains red bone marrow for red blood cell production -- red marrow slowly turns to yellow marrow with age
Metaphysis Is between Epiphysis and diaphysis -- wider portion of a long bone adjacent to the epiphyseal plate It is this part of the bone that grows during childhood; as it grows, it ossifies near the diaphysis and the epiphyses. At roughly 18 to 25 years of age, the metaphysis stops growing altogether and completely ossifies into solid bone
Epiphyseal plate Growth plate that osifies at puberty
Articular cartilage Hyaline cartilage to join adjacent bones
------------- Bone Markings ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Suture Line of union between bones -- notably in cranial bones an its 4 main sutures
Fissure narrow cleft like opening/passageway for nerves and blood vessels
Foramen Hole or opening for blood vessels nerves and muscles
Meatus Canal or Tube Shaped opening
Sulcus flat broad -- groove or furrow to accommodate a soft structure
Fossa Deppresion in bone
Fobia Tiny depression in bone
Sinus Air filled cavity withing a cavity -- Paranasals
Condyle Large rounded articular prominence
Head rounded articular region supported by the neck of the bone
Facet Smooth flat articulating surface
Tubercle small rounded knoblike process
Tuberosity Rough large rounded process
Trochanter Large blunt projection -- femur only
Crest Prominent boder or ridge
Line less prominent border or ridge
Spine Sharp Slender process
Epicondyle projection above a condyle for attachment
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Remodleling Growth and shrinkage of bone -- increases circumference -- old bone constantly being removed for new bone to replace it
Osteoblast form/create new bone tissue -- found in osteogenic layer or periosteum
Osteoclast Breaks down bone
Bone health Vitamin A, C, D, Calcium Potassium Hormones calcitonen (thyroid to increase & parathyroid to decrease) Wieght bearing exercise
calcitonen decreases Calcium in blood and increases Osteoblasts --> Via Thryroid  --- Parathyroid increases Calcium in blood and decreases Osteoblasts
Rickets Deffeciency of Vitamin D in children -- can be due to malnutrition
Osteomalacia Bone Softening in adults demineralized -- can be due to lack of sunligh --> lack of vitamin D
Osteomylitis Inflamation of bone -- infection in bone
Osteoporosis Pourous weakened bones usually occurs with age due to lack of protein production of bone decreases with age
Long Bone longer than they are wide, and grow primarily by elongation of the diaphysis, with an epiphysis at the ends of the growing bone. The ends of epiphyses are covered with a hyaline cartilage ("articular cartilage")
Short Bone intended for strength and compactness combined with limited movement -- as being approximately as wide as they are tall
Flate Bone found where the principal requirement is either extensive protection or the provision of broad surfaces for muscular attachment, the bones are expanded into broad, flat plates
Irregular Bone Bones that do not fall into any other category due to irregular shape
Axial Skeleton 80 total -- 29 Skull -- 26 Vertebrae -- 24 Ribs -- 1 Sternum
Appendicular Skeleton 126 total -- 4 Pectoral Girdle -- 60 Upper Limbs -- 2 Pelvic Girdle -- 60 Lower limbs
Skull 8 total bones -- single and paired bones
Frontal Single Bone -- Starts as 2 bones and fuses early in life -- Forehead -- Anterior superior of orbital socket -- contains a sinus
Occipital Single Bone -- Posterior and Inferior where spinal cord enters the brain
Ethmoid Single Bone -- Complex light delicate -- contains a sinus -- part of the orbital bone -- perpindicular plate forms top of nose -- Superior  and middle nasal conchi
Sphenoid Single Bone -- Contains a sinus -- bat shaped -- articulates with all other cranial bones -- sella turcia holds pituitary gland
Parietal Paired bones -- large flat -- superior side walls and roof of skull
Temporal Paired Bones -- Complex inferior side walls -- external auditory meatus -- mastoid process and zygomatic process for muscle attachments
Coronal Suture Frontal & Parietal line of attachment
Sagittal Suture 2 parietal line of attachment
Lambdoid Suture Occipital & Parietal line of attachment
Squamous Suture Temporal & Parietal line of attachment
Facial Bones 14 paired and single bones
Mandible Single Bone --Lower jaw -- largest and strongest in the face -- aveolis contain teeth -- horizontal part of mandible = body -- perpendicular = ramus -- place where ramus and body meet = Angle
Vomer Single Bone -- Blade shaped bone -- posterior inferior of nose
Maxilla Paired Bones -- Upper jaw and floor of the eye orbit -- nasal wall -- contains a sinus -- does not articulate with a mandible
Zygomatic Paired Bones -- Prominence of Cheek -- part of eye orbit -- temporal process + zygomatic process = zygomatic arch
Nasal Paired Bones -- articulate on bridge of nose
Lacrimal Paired Bones -- Lacrimal duct lightest most delicate of face
Palatine Paired Bones -- Hard Pallatte -- L shapped -- upward part helps with nasal bone -- horizontal plate forms posterior roof of the mouth
Inferior Nasal Conchi Paired Bones -- Scroll shaped that project into nasal passageway lateral cartilage
Ear Canal Bones Paired Bones -- Malleus Incus & Stapes
Hyoid Horeshoe shaped -- connected to the tounge -- no articulation with any other bone held in by cartilage and muscle
Vertebrae 7 Cervical - 12 Thorassic -- 5 Lumbar -- 5 Sacrum -- 4 coccyx
Vertbrae Body Load Bearing structure of the vertbrae
Vertbral Arch Forms vertebral Foramen for spinal cord
Spinous Process Muscle attachement for vertebrae
Transverse Process articulates with rib tubercle
Facets Smooth flat articulating surface
Demifacets Superior and Inferior on vertebrae that articulate with rib head
Infererior articular facet articulates with vertebrae below
Superior articular facet articulates with vertebrae above
Atlas C1 Superior facets with occipital condyle -- easily fractured -- allows vertical movement - yes movement
Axis C2 Dens Process that allows for horizontal movement - no movement
Sacrum vertebrae support base
Coccyx Tailbone
Thorax 12 pair of ribs -- first 7 are true ribs which are attached to the sternum via costal cartilage -- last 5 ribs are false ribs
True Rib first 7 pair of ribs vertebral sternal
False Rib last 5 pair of ribs -- First 3 pair indirectly attach to the sternum last 2 pair are freely floating with no attachment
Rib Wedge shaped head supported by a neck -- body/shaft is the main bulk of the rib -- costal arch is the arch that heads toward the vertebrae
Sternum  Flat medial bone with 3 regions -- Manubrium body and zyphoid
Manubrium most superior -- suprasternal notch -- clavicular notch -- 1st and 2nd ribs -- sternal angle articulates with rest of sternum
body Middle of sternum -- rib attachments
Zyphoid Occifies ~ 40 and becomes bone -- attachment for abdominal muscles
Appendicular Skeleton
Pectoral Girdle Clavicle + Scapula
Scapula Triangle Shaped -- Spinous process & supraspinous an subspinous fossa on posterior surface -- Subscapular on anterior surface -- Acromion slightly flaring process at lateral end of spine -- glenoid cavity fossa forming socket for head of humerus -- coracoid process beak like projection on anterior surface for muscle attachement
Clavicle long slender S shaped -- Medial end = Sternal end  -- lateral end = Acromial end -- only bony connection to axial skeleton so it needs a strong fibrocartilage pad that allows for greater range of movement

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